

Welcome to our family blog! We're a very busy family trying to enjoy every wonderful second that God gives us. We're using this blog to keep friends and family updated on what's happening in the days of our life and share recent photos.

We hope you enjoy a sneak peak into the crazy and busy days of our life. Be sure to check back periodically for updated posts and pictures.

Sunny skies!!!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Rainy Days and Rainy Nights

glitter graphics

Remember that 7 inches of rain in 24 hours? (See the March 18 post.)Well, on March 30 and 31st we received more rain! Here's the field behind our house. The picture was taken in the early evening.

There was also 7 tornadoes within a 75 mile radius of Springfield on Monday, March 31st.

More rain is in the forecast for Wednesday and Thursday of this week and Monday and Tuesday of next week. I think we may need to start building an ark!!!!!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Braden's Birthday

Andy and Braden at Incredible Pizza-March 30, 2008
Andy and Braden playing a game at Incredible Pizza-March 30, 2008

Andy and Braden shooting hoops at Incredible Pizza-March 30, 2008

Andy and Braden shooting hoops at Incredible Pizza-March 30, 2008

Braden riding the train engine at Incredible Pizza-March 30, 2008

Braden riding the train engine at Incredible Pizza-March 30, 2008

Braden waiting to blow out his "3" candle and listening to the family sing "Happy Birthday"
March 30, 2008
Braden blowing out his "3" candle-March 30, 2008
Braden with his cake that Andy decorated-March 30, 2008

Braden opening a present-March 30, 2008

Braden opening a present-March 30, 2008

Braden opening a present-March 30, 2008

Braden opening a present-March 30, 2008

Braden opening a present-March 30, 2008

Andy and Braden-March 30, 2008

Andy making bubbles for Braden-March 30, 2008

Braden chasing bubbles-March 30, 2008

Braden on one of his bikes-March 30, 2008

Andy and Braden-March 30, 2008
Braden officially turned 3 on March 30th. His day included eating pizza and salad at Incredible Pizza, then playing in the game room. Next, he came home for the "Family Party." We always make sure we have a birthday party with just the five of us. We had streamers, balloons, and decorations waiting for Braden. He blew out the candles on his cake, opened his cards and presents, then played outside with some of his new presents. As you can see, Braden loved chasing the bubbles!

Braden's Family Birthday Party

 Laurie with Andy and Braden.
Braden's 3rd Birthday-March 30, 2008
P.S.~Scotlyn was asleep during our "family party".

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Celebrating a Friend's Birthday

Andy helped his friend Justin celebrate his birthday by attending Justin's birthday party on Saturday, March 29th. Happy 10th Birthday, Justin!!!!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Just a Jumping!

Braden finally decided to check out the trampoline.
March 28, 2008

Andy's Spring Break

Andy was on Spring Break during March 22-30th. He came out and spent two days at my school. He was lucky enough to be out there when we were having an elementary celebration. (Above picture) He visited with old friends and teachers.

Andy was able to stay home and play with his neighborhood friends. He also went to work with Scott one day.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Flood~9 Days Later

Remember the 7 inches of rain we had in 24 hours? Well, it helped turned the field green behind our house. (Picture 1) One of the roads that I drive by on the way to work is still flooded after 9 days. (Picture 2) Notice the small, yellow sign in the lower right corner. It says, "Impassable during high water." You think?

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hippity Hop, Hippity Hop

On Saturday, March 22nd we left our family Easter basket on the porch with plastic eggs for the Easter Bunny to fill with surprises. Andy, Braden, and Scotlyn woke up the next morning to find that he did indeed fill those eggs and more with goodies!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

"Okay...maybe she's not too bad!"

Braden holding "baby sister" and deciding she's not too bad.
March 22, 2008

Early Birthday Presents for Braden

Braden opened birthday presents at Aunt Debbie and Uncle Greg's house on March 22nd.

Easter With Our Family

Andy, Braden, and Scotlyn with Grandma and Grandpa
Brookfield, MO-March 22, 2008
Andy, Braden, and Scotlyn with Grandma and Grandpa
Brookfield, MO-March 22, 2008
Scotlyn with Grandma and Grandpa
Brookfield, MO-March 22, 2008
Braden, Casey, Lindsey, and Drew hunting for eggs
Brookfield, MO-March 22, 2008
Braden, Casey, and Andy hunting for eggs
Brookfield, MO-March 22, 2008
Andy, Drew, and Lindsey hunting for eggs
Brookfield, MO-March 22, 2008
Braden hunting for eggs
Brookfield, MO-March 22, 2008
Braden and Casey hunting for eggs
Brookfield, MO-March 22, 2008
Braden and Casey hunting for eggs
Brookfield, MO-March 22, 2008
Andy on the hunt for eggs
Brookfield, MO-March 22, 2008
Jim and Vanessa resting
Brookfield, MO-March 22, 2008
On Saturday, March 22nd we had Easter Dinner at my sister Debbie's house in Brookfield, MO. In attendance were my parents, my sister Debbie and husband Greg, my brother Jim and his wife Vanessa, Marshall (Vanessa's son), niece Casey and husband Matt, niece Lindsey and boyfriend Drew, plus our family. After dinner, there was an egg hunt. Andy and Braden had fun finding a lot of eggs!
Thank you, Cousin Casey, for helping Braden hunt for eggs.

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