

Welcome to our family blog! We're a very busy family trying to enjoy every wonderful second that God gives us. We're using this blog to keep friends and family updated on what's happening in the days of our life and share recent photos.

We hope you enjoy a sneak peak into the crazy and busy days of our life. Be sure to check back periodically for updated posts and pictures.

Sunny skies!!!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Andy's 2nd Baseball Game

Andy's Warrior team played the Crusaders team on Friday, May 30th. The Crusaders won 4-2

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Braden's 3rd Tot Ball Game

Braden missed his 3rd tot ball game which had the "Little Stripes" team playing the Star team.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Andy's 1st Baseball Game

Andy's "Warriors" team played their first game on Friday, May 23rd. His team played the "Tigers" and lost 13-0. Andy was first up to bat and did a great job!

Andy's a Fifth Grader!

Andy's last day of school was Friday, May 23rd. He made all A's again! I can't believe he's a fifth grader and soon will be turning 10.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Andy's Park Day

The 4th grade classes at Andy's school had Park Day on Thursday, May 22nd. All the 4th grade classes spent the entire day at the park playing. (How hard of a school day was that?)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Braden's 2nd Tot Ball Game

Braden played his second tot ball game on Tuesday, May 20th. His "Little Stripes" team played the "Kay Concrete" team. Braden did a great job, but was a little more interested in playing in the dirt than the game. (Several of his teammates had the same interest as Braden.)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Laurie's Fifth Grade State Fair


Visitor Welcome Sign

Visitor Welcome Sign and 50 State Quilt
50 State Quilt
Visitors' Center Sign In
State Displays down the 5th and 6th grade wing
Early United States projects
Early United States projects
Early United States projects
Displays in the 4th grade wing
Rhode Island display

Mississippi display

Oregon display
North Carolina display
Nebraska display

Vermont display
Oklahoma display
Minnesota display

Virginia display

Maryland display

Brochure made by the Maryland travel representative.

For those of you that have talked with me in the last month, you know that my life has been busy with the "Fifth Grade State Fair". Throughout the year, each student in my three social studies classes is responsible for researching a state. Beginning in March, I teach them how to keyboard, use word art, change font (sizes, type, colors) and then they begin typing the information found during research time. Each student has a presentation board that they decorate and display their typed information on. Finally, we have a "State Fair Day". Each student stands by their presentation board and acts as a travel representative for their state....the goal is to get as many tourists as you can to visit your state. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. are invited to come in and act as the tourists. Tourists are encouraged to ask the travel representative a question about their state. (Examples of questions...What is the state capital? What is the state bird? Who is the current governor?) If the travel representative answers it correctly without looking at their board, the tourist signs a guest log. Each student is required to get 30 signatures.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Andy's Field Day

Andy's school had their annual field day on Friday, May 16th. In the morning, Andy's class participated in a kickball tournament with other 4th grade classes. His class won all their games in the tournament.

Other events included the hula hoop scramble, 3-legged race, sponge racing, Frisbee toss, and Around-the-World (Basketball).

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Fine Arts Night

Andy's school had Fine Arts Night on Thursday, May 15th. Andy had a project put on display. The project was so cool! It was 3-dimensional and represented Andy's past, present, and future.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Braden's 1st Tot Ball Game!

Braden played his first "tot ball" Game on Tuesday, May 13th. It was very entertaining. His "Little Stripes" team played the "Shark Bite" team. Braden did a great job hitting the ball his two turns. He was quite entertaining running around the bases as he decided to join the Shark Bite team run after a ball just hit by one of his own teammates instead of running home. I think he will always be our little tiger!

Gilligan's Island

My dad's nursing home had a Gilligan's Island Reunion on May 13, 2008. My mom and dad were Mr. and Mrs. Howell.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day 2008

The kids with their Mommy on Mother's Day~May 11,2008

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Celebrating A Friend's Birthday

Andy helped celebrate his friend Michael's birthday by attending a party at "1984". It is a business where you pay $5.00 at the door and are able to go in and play as many arcade games as you want. All the arcade games were popular in 1984!

Friday, May 9, 2008

I Need to Buy A Lottery Ticket

I know it seems silly to post about this, but I just have to considering I usually have really bad luck. Our CTA had drawings all day in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week. I was the grand prize winner! I won two tickets to Silver Dollar City. You cannot imagine the excitement and disbelief I felt! It's been 8 years since we've been to Silver Dollar City. Our family is eagerly awaiting for June to come so we can go. (Children's Fest begins in June.) I'm thinking I need to go buy a lottery ticket!

Field Trip to Frontier Theater

Andy's class went on a field trip to Frontier Theater. He panned for gold, went on a hayride, went down a "huge" slide, learned about skulls, went on a zip line, watched an arrowhead being made, threw spears, went into a longhouse and tepee, climbed a rock wall, had a mud ball war, and shot a cannonball. Andy was given the Native American name Jack Rabbit.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Mad Scientists

Andy's class had a mad scientists party. They actually had the "Mad Scientists" team come in and teach them how to make fireworks.

The class also had pizza, soda, and brownies brought in for lunch.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Princess Sweet Pea

Here are some recent pictures of our little princess. Notice her crown to the left of her dress.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Class Luau

Andy's class had a Hawaiian Luau. They did the limbo, played Hot Coconut (Hot Potato), and had a hula hoop competition. He learned his name is pronounced Anaki in Hawaiian.

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