

Welcome to our family blog! We're a very busy family trying to enjoy every wonderful second that God gives us. We're using this blog to keep friends and family updated on what's happening in the days of our life and share recent photos.

We hope you enjoy a sneak peak into the crazy and busy days of our life. Be sure to check back periodically for updated posts and pictures.

Sunny skies!!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Andy's 6th Baseball Game

This was a makeup game for the June 6th rain out. Guess was rained out!!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Celebrating A Friend's Birthday

Andy helped celebrate the birthday of his friend Justice on Friday, June 27th. This included going to a movie, eating pizza, attending the town's fireworks display, watching a "dog show", and bunking over. Happy Birthday, Justice!!!

Andy's Summer School Water Day

Andy's summer school class had Water Day. The kids were able to bring water guns and balloons to play with all day. The teachers cooked hot dogs for the kids. This was also the last day of summer school!!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Andy's Summer School Park Day

Andy's summer school class had Park Day and went to one of the town's parks to play all day. I don't remember summer school being filled with all these field trips and fun days when I was young.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Andy's 5th Baseball Game

Andy's "Warrior" team played the "Cardinal" team on Tuesday, June 24th. The Warriors lost 11-2.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Braden's 7th Tot Ball Game

Braden had team pictures tonight. We can't wait to see his 1st baseball pictures!!!!

Braden did a super job during his game. Again, we had no playing in the dirt!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Just a Fishin'

We decided to give fishing a try for some "almost free" family entertainment. We decided that the first fishing adventure would be a practice run at Lake Springfield.
 We forgot to have that talk with Braden about where not to fish from.

Andy trying is luck at fishing.

Braden gave up on the store bought fishing pole and made his own.

Andy and Braden fishing.

Andy and Braden fishing...or maybe resting?

Scotlyn watching all the fishing action or lack of.

Andy and Braden find a new fishing spot.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Andy's 4th Summer School Field Trip

Andy's summer school class went to the town's Aquatic Center for the day. After hearing Andy talk about the trip, Braden now wants to go which can be very worrisome since Braden loves to just dive in!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Andy's 3rd Summer School Field Trip

Andy's summer school class went to a local fish hatchery and bowling. The kids got to bring their fishing poles to fish with at the hatchery. Now Andy wants the family to go fishing at one of the nearby lakes.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Braden's 6th Tot Ball Game

Braden did a great job at his game. We are so proud of him and his "Little Stripes" team. He actually did not play in the dirt once!!!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Andy's Birthday Party

Andy celebrated his 10th birthday by having a "bunking party". He invited 5 friends over to try out his new water slide, eat pizza, play, watch movies, roast marshmallows, and "bunk over". I don't know how the boys did it, but they stayed up until 5:30 a.m.!!!! Braden enjoyed hanging out with Andy's friends and staying up with them part of the night. Thank you Samuel, Justin, Tristin, Justice, and Timothy. Andy enjoyed having you come over and loved your gifts.
Braden enjoying the pool at the end of the water slide.

Andy watching a friend on the water slide.

Andy about to go on the water slide and Braden watching with friends on the trampoline.

Andy on the water slide.

Braden with some friends on the trampoline.
Braden with some friends on the trampoline.

Andy and Braden watching a friend on the water slide.

Andy and Braden

Andy with one of his gifts from a friend.

Andy opening a gift from a friend.

Oh no!! I can just see it now...I am now a target.

Andy opening a present from a friend.

Andy gets a beach towel!

Andy with his beach towel an water guns!
Watch out Braden!!!!

Andy with his cookie cake.

Andy with his cookie cake and Braden trying to blow out the candles while friends watch.
Roasting marshmallows

Friday, June 13, 2008

Andy's 4th Baseball Game

The game was rained out!

Andy's 2nd Summer School Field Trip

Andy's summer school class went to Incredible Pizza and roller skating. Andy said we just had to see him skate at a rink because he is "super fast". Is that the point of be super fast?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Here Comes That Rainy Day Feeling Again!

The street in front of our house. The city closed the road about 20 minutes later.

Our backyard. . . or is it the river behind our house?

Our backyard

The kids' toys in our backyard. (Look at where the toys are in each picture.)
The kids' toys in our backyard.

The kids' toys in our backyard...okay, where'd they go?

Our backyard
The water carried the toys...including the turtle sandbox...all the way down to our neighbor's fence.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Andy's Family Birthday Party

We celebrated Andy's birthday by having our "family celebration" on June 10th. I have always felt very strongly about the kids' actual birthday being celebrated with just other family members or friends. Later, we have a party with extended family and friends.

We spent Andy's 10th birthday at the restaurant of his choice. Of course, it was Incredible Pizza! We opened gifts and ate cake.

Andy waiting to open presents.
Andy waiting to open presents.

Andy reading a birthday card.

Andy with his bug vacuum.

Andy with some much needed batteries!

Andy getting ready to open another card.

Andy reading a birthday card.

Andy with a grab bag from Braden.

Andy opening up a present.

Andy with his water slide.

Andy and Scotlyn

Andy at Incredible Pizza for his birthday dinner.

Andy and Braden at Incredible Pizza.

Andy playing a game at Incredible Pizza.

Andy and Braden on the Incredible Pizza train.

Andy and Braden on the Incredible Pizza train.

Scotlyn with her mommy at Incredible Pizza.

Andy's 10th Birthday cake.

Andy with his birthday cake.

Andy with his birthday cake.

Andy blowing out the candles on his birthday cake.

Andy on his 10th birthday.

Andy and Braden

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