

Welcome to our family blog! We're a very busy family trying to enjoy every wonderful second that God gives us. We're using this blog to keep friends and family updated on what's happening in the days of our life and share recent photos.

We hope you enjoy a sneak peak into the crazy and busy days of our life. Be sure to check back periodically for updated posts and pictures.

Sunny skies!!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Santa Pictures Take 1

Santa Pictures-Take 1
November 29, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Scotlyn's 1st Birthday

"Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Scotlyn,
Happy birthday to you!"
Waiting for the birthday girl

Scotlyn in front of her cake. She doesn't seem real happy.

She really is not happy!

She's not getting any happier!

"It's my party and I'll cry if I want to!!!"

She completely does not like this birthday cake deal!

Okay, so let's put a hat on her. That might make her happy....nope!

I think she's calming down.

Scotlyn with Andy and Braden. She finally tried her cake.

Andy and Braden helping Scotlyn eat her cake. Is that a smile?

Andy helping open a present.

Scotlyn looking at her boots.

Andy and Braden helping Scotlyn with her toys.

Andy watching Scotlyn look at his gift to her.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

"Election Day 2008"

Today is election day. The day that our founding fathers created so that each citizen's voice could be heard. I've been intensely teaching my social studies classes about the constitution and the voting process. Every September I require my students to learn and recite the preamble by memory. I love it when this project is assigned because it involves having them go around to 75 different people and recite the preamble by memory. The person that listened to the student recite the preamble then signs their name to a paper. You'll see fifth graders all over the school asking different teachers, administrators, and even the superintendent to listen to them recite the preamble. I've heard through the "grapevine" (aka parents) that the papers have been brought to church and students have recited the preamble during a special time during the service. I've also really focused on teaching the electoral college. I think my students have a clue about the electoral college process which is wonderful since most adults don't understand it!

I got up an hour earlier today so that I could leave and get to our voting poll by 6 a.m. I stood in a line that went out the doors and around the building. It was freezing cold at 6 a.m., but the pride in my country I felt during that 40 minute wait was overwhelming. I loved hearing the various conversations around me...all political. People were pumped about this election. People realized the historical importance of this particular election. People knew that their vote did indeed make a difference.

No, the presidential candidate I voted for did not win. Am I disappointed? Yes, of course. I have my concerns about our country. I realize, though, that my vote made a difference because it allowed my voice to be heard. I was helping the legacy our founding fathers created for this country continue.

I am thankful to live in a democracy.

I am thankful and proud to be an American.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Cats

The Cats
Whiskers-17 years old

Gremlin-15 years old

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Lessons Learned from a Halloween Party

Tonight Andy had his annual Halloween party. Several years ago this started out as a party for the neighborhood kids. We usually had 4-5 kids of various ages come over in their costumes to play games such as Boo Bingo, Carry the Ghosts, Bone Hunt, Cupcake Walk, Balloon Bounce, Ghosts in the Middle, Pumpkin Toss, Candybar Walk, and Break the Pinata. We would serve mummy dogs, graveyard pudding, and ghoulish punch and give out finger popcorn bags, cupcakes, and candy. The kids would also take home treat bags filled with Halloween pencils, spider rings, and toy snakes. It was a nice way for the kids to have fun around Halloween time.

Last year the party branched out from the neighborhood and included a few friends from Andy's classroom. We had a total of 6 kids and it was a really good party. It ended with a bonfire and roasting marshmallows.

Now let's talk about this year's party....imagine having 8 fifth grade boys and some neighborhood kids come to the party that for some insane reason included spending the night!!!! The party started out with them playing in the back yard and then playing several Halloween games.  Next we had a fight break out between two boys because one boy broke another boy's costume sword! Everyone calmed down and the boys were able to play Night Tag before the bonfire and we started roasting marshmallows. Afterwards, the boys came in to watch movies, eat popcorn, and play with Legos.

Will Andy have another Halloween party? That depends on my level of insanity next October.

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