

Welcome to our family blog! We're a very busy family trying to enjoy every wonderful second that God gives us. We're using this blog to keep friends and family updated on what's happening in the days of our life and share recent photos.

We hope you enjoy a sneak peak into the crazy and busy days of our life. Be sure to check back periodically for updated posts and pictures.

Sunny skies!!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Family Christmas Extravaganza

The 1st Annual
"Family Christmas Extravaganza"
Another new tradition we added to our Christmas this year was "The Family Christmas Extravaganza". The kids sang songs and danced during a Christmas show.. Next year Scotlyn will add her own routine to the show. It's a wonderful idea that is memorable (and humorous). More importantly it's something we can all do together and it's practically free. I hope it's something we continue far into the future with daughter-in-laws, son-in-law, and grandchildren.
Andy performing his song and dance routine for the show

Andy and Braden (look closely) performing in the show.
Braden doing his dance routine in the show.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Down on the Farm~2nd Santa Pictures

We attended the Rutledge-Wilson Farm's "Christmas Down on the Farm" event on Sunday, December 21st. The kids were able to get their pictures taken with Santa. You should have seen Santa's outfit. It was so beautiful! If you look closely you can see the Nativity scene on the lining.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Scotlyn's First Haircut

Scotlyn had her first haircut today...just a bang cut. She did not like it as you will see.
The saddest face you'll ever see!

Snip, Snip!

It's over!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Extra Christmas Break

Due to the snow & ice, I was able to have almost another whole week off to make my Christmas break almost 3 weeks long! I did have to go back on Friday, December 19th. Gee, for one day!!! My class made origami snowflakes and watched a movie. Pretty rough day, don't you think?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Andy's Christmas Program

Tonight was Andy's Christmas program. This was probably my favorite program out of all he's ever had. The kids sang five Christmas songs making every student have equal parts, the kids were dressed in Sunday best clothes, and they did a little dancing while on the risers.

Winter decided to make itself known during the program. The sound of sleet could be heard hitting the rooftop of the auditorium. The sound added a special touch to the program and gave it more meaning.

Welcome winter!!!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

St. Nicholas Eve

Tonight is St. Nicholas Eve.

St. Nicholas was the patron Saint of children. Many years ago I wanted to find a way to honor my German heritage at Christmas since there are so many wonderful German Christmas customs. That's when I discovered Saint Nicholas Eve and Saint Nicholas Day. Our family adopted the tradition and it is enjoyed so much by the kids. Several years ago, I talked to my mom about Saint Nicholas Eve. She knew exactly what it was and told me she remembered it from when she was a little girl. Tomorrow we honor the generosity and kindness of Saint Nicholas.

Andy, Braden, and Scotlyn are fast asleep, but have left their shoes out on the porch with their Santa letters. Santa will come for a short visit during the night to get their letters and leave a special sweet treat.

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Christmas Tree Skirt

Any of you that know me well, know that I'm into starting family traditions. Several years back, I read about a way to make a family Christmas tree skirt. You buy a cloth table cover, dip your childrens' hands in seasonal fabric paint and press their hand prints on the table cover. Below the hand prints you add the year with the fabric paint.

We started this tradition back in 2004 and of course it was just Andy's hand prints that year. Then in 2005 and 2006, it was Andy's and Braden's. Our family grew again by "two feet" in 2007 and it was Andy's, Braden's, and Scotlyn's hand prints.

This year when we added the hand prints, we noticed that we've almost made our way around the first row of the skirt. Soon we'll be on the second row. The skirt will probably only allow three rows, then I guess we'll go to thumb prints on the ruffle.

Our Christmas tree skirt is very special and the kids anticipate adding their hand prints each year. Last year the skirt was "accidentally" vacuumed up and torn. Never fear though...Grandma to the rescue!!! We are so fortunate Grandma could fix it. The vacuum cleaner "scar" has added character to the skirt and so much more.

So along with the memories of adding the hand prints each year, the memories of Christmas pasts, we have the story about the year dad vacuumed it and tore it. We have the story of how Grandma was able to sew it back together. We have our appreciation and love for Grandma. We have the memory of how Grandma added her own special touch to our Christmas tree skirt.

Thank you mom.

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