

Welcome to our family blog! We're a very busy family trying to enjoy every wonderful second that God gives us. We're using this blog to keep friends and family updated on what's happening in the days of our life and share recent photos.

We hope you enjoy a sneak peak into the crazy and busy days of our life. Be sure to check back periodically for updated posts and pictures.

Sunny skies!!!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Andy's Special Recognition

Andy was recognized today at the weekly Rise and Shine Assembly. He received a C.A.R.E. award. (C=citizenship, A=achievement, R=respect, E=enthusiasm) His award was for his enthusiasm in the classroom. Earlier in the year, he won a C.A.R.E. award for his citizenship. Most students either only earn one award during the year or sometimes none. We are very proud of Andy and his super achievement!!!!!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Off to the Zoo...and then Back to the Farm

Today was Teddy Bear Rally Day at the zoo...everyone gets in free with a teddy bear. We've went to this many times before, but have never seen it be so crowded. I guess with the price of gas and groceries, everyone wanted to take advantage of free entertainment. We, however, did not think it would be wise to waste the gas waiting in line to park. (The line was a snail's pace and over a mile long.) So, we went to the Rutledge-Wilson Farm instead. Even though we missed out on some of the more exotic animals, this turned out to be just as a nice.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Braden's First Tot Ball Practice!!!

Braden had his first "Tot Ball" practice today. It was truly entertaining to watch 3 year olds practice. I know it will be even more entertaining when they play a game. There are 13 kids on the Little Stripes team.

Braden did a wonderful job hitting off the tee. There were two really "funny", but cute moments at the practice. The first was when Braden was told to hit the ball, then run and touch first base. Braden did exactly as he was told..he hit the ball, ran to first base, bent down and touched first base with both hands!

The next "funny" moment was when the kids were told to line up and follow Coach Eric to run around all the bases and then touch home plate. The team did great around first and second base, but I guess lost interest at third. The line of kids just kind of went in three different directions.

Braden's First Tot Ball Practice Pictures!!!

Braden's first "Tot Ball" practice was Saturday, April 19th.

Braden kicking up dirt with his friend Drew.

The team practices running the bases.

The team giving Coach Eric a high five.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Our Strange Missouri Weather

Okay, so we had snow flurries with 35 degree weather just 4 days ago. Today, it's sunny and 76 degrees!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Preschool Screening

Tonight Braden had his preschool screening with the hope that he will start in the fall. He was all excited about going...even packed his lunchbox with toys to take along. He had no trouble going right in, but was a little scared to go off with the teacher. On the ride home he told us he wanted to go to school tomorrow. Now how do you explain to a 3 year old they'll have to wait until the new school year?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Ball Season Begins

Today was Andy's first baseball practice and thus begins ball season. Andy is excited because his really good friends Justin and Trevor are on the same team. Justin and Andy spend their their free time hitting and throwing instead of just playing.

Braden is also playing ball this year. It should be very entertaining to watch a team of 3 year olds play "tot ball". Braden's first practice is April 19th. I'll update with a new post afterwards.

My Great-Nephew Hayden

I had a wonderful surprise in the mail today. My nephew Ben and his wife Valerie mailed us a picture of their 2 month old little boy Hayden. I love to get pictures of my nieces, nephews, and great-nephews. It will be neat to get Scotlyn and Hayden together to play since there is only 3 months difference between the 2nd cousins. I have included some pictures of Hayden from when he was first born in February.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Obviously old man winter was not ready to exit yet. The weather turned cold and brought snow flurries today.

Celebrating a Friend's Birthday!

Andy helped celebrate his friend Cameron's birthday on Saturday, April 12th. Cameron had an "awesome party" according to Andy. Happy Birthday, Cameron!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Andy's Limo Ride

On Friday, April 11th Andy was able to take a ride in a limo. He scored high on last year's MAP test and his school awarded the high test scorers with a limo ride around town. Andy was so excited and we were so proud of his hard work on the MAP test. The pictures were taken by 9 year olds which explains the odd angles. I think the one with Andy and the clouds outside the limo is really neat.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Rain......Yes, again!

It seems like that ark I mentioned in an earlier posting could really begin to be helpful soon. We've received a lot of rain again...over 3 inches overnight at our house.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Welcome Home!

On Sunday, April 6th Braden, Scotlyn, and I went to a Welcome Home Reception for Heidi, Garrett, and Claire P. Braden really missed "his Heidi" the two weeks she was in Vietnam. Claire is very beautiful and I'm sure Scotlyn will love playing with her since there is only 4 months difference between the girls. Welcome Home, Claire!!!!!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Back to the Farm

On Saturday, April 5th we went to the Rutledge-Wilson Farm. The day was sunny and wonderful! We were able to see chickens, pigs, horses, goats, sheep, and cows. After visiting the animals, we walked to the ponds and went to the new play area.

Celebrating a Friend's Birthday

On Saturday, April 5th our family went to the Discovery Center to help Braden's friend Drew celebrate his 3rd birthday. Andy and Braden loved "discovering" all the neat science!

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