

Welcome to our family blog! We're a very busy family trying to enjoy every wonderful second that God gives us. We're using this blog to keep friends and family updated on what's happening in the days of our life and share recent photos.

We hope you enjoy a sneak peak into the crazy and busy days of our life. Be sure to check back periodically for updated posts and pictures.

Sunny skies!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Braden's First Tot Ball Practice!!!

Braden had his first "Tot Ball" practice today. It was truly entertaining to watch 3 year olds practice. I know it will be even more entertaining when they play a game. There are 13 kids on the Little Stripes team.

Braden did a wonderful job hitting off the tee. There were two really "funny", but cute moments at the practice. The first was when Braden was told to hit the ball, then run and touch first base. Braden did exactly as he was told..he hit the ball, ran to first base, bent down and touched first base with both hands!

The next "funny" moment was when the kids were told to line up and follow Coach Eric to run around all the bases and then touch home plate. The team did great around first and second base, but I guess lost interest at third. The line of kids just kind of went in three different directions.

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