

Welcome to our family blog! We're a very busy family trying to enjoy every wonderful second that God gives us. We're using this blog to keep friends and family updated on what's happening in the days of our life and share recent photos.

We hope you enjoy a sneak peak into the crazy and busy days of our life. Be sure to check back periodically for updated posts and pictures.

Sunny skies!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Scotlyn's 1st Birthday

"Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Scotlyn,
Happy birthday to you!"
Waiting for the birthday girl

Scotlyn in front of her cake. She doesn't seem real happy.

She really is not happy!

She's not getting any happier!

"It's my party and I'll cry if I want to!!!"

She completely does not like this birthday cake deal!

Okay, so let's put a hat on her. That might make her happy....nope!

I think she's calming down.

Scotlyn with Andy and Braden. She finally tried her cake.

Andy and Braden helping Scotlyn eat her cake. Is that a smile?

Andy helping open a present.

Scotlyn looking at her boots.

Andy and Braden helping Scotlyn with her toys.

Andy watching Scotlyn look at his gift to her.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Poor girl!

Next year will be a different story!

Happy Birthday Scotlyn!

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