

Welcome to our family blog! We're a very busy family trying to enjoy every wonderful second that God gives us. We're using this blog to keep friends and family updated on what's happening in the days of our life and share recent photos.

We hope you enjoy a sneak peak into the crazy and busy days of our life. Be sure to check back periodically for updated posts and pictures.

Sunny skies!!!

Friday, October 31, 2008


Our alien, fireman, and bunny on October 31, 2008.

The alien grabs the fireman!

The alien carrying the fireman off to the spaceship!

Our little bunny.

Our little bunny.

Our alien.

Our fireman.

Our bunny.

Our bunny.

Our bunny trick-or treating.

Our bunny trick-or-treating.

Our alien and fireman trick-or-treating.
October 31, 2008
Today was Halloween and it brought our annual tradition of participating in our town's trick-or-treating event. Over 50 businesses keep their doors open for the kids to come in with their costumes on and trick-or-treat. It's a safe, but fun way for our kids to enjoy Halloween. We are very fortunate to have our town do this and are so appreciative. We also go around two neighborhoods where some of our friends live and we know it will also be safe.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch

Today we went to the Rutledge-Wilson Farm's Pumpkin Patch. This was Scotlyn's first time in a pumpkin patch and it's a family tradition to take pictures of this occasion. Andy and Braden enjoyed walking through the pumpkin patch, climbing on the tractors and hay bales, and visiting the animals. Braden's Words

We were driving around town and Braden was noticing how the trees are really starting to change colors. Our town has an array of trees with red, orange, yellow, and purple. Braden was naming the colors of the leaves when in his infinite wisdom he says, "I think God painted the tree leaves."

How can you argue with a three-year-olds' logic?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Searching for "Black Gold" Again!

We spent our afternoon searching for our families' "black gold" again. Our black gold comes in the form of black walnuts and helps bring in a little spending money for Andy and Braden. Today we went to the ranch of one of our friends. There were soooooo many black walnuts! We spent about 3 hours picking them up before getting tired and leaving. Our afternoon adventure brought in $18.00 for the boys.

Congrats Jessica and Chuck!!!

Congratulations to my niece Jessica!!! These are pictures from her early October wedding in Jamaica. Chuck's a great guy and we're glad he's joined our family!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Our "Black Gold"

Our family decided to try a new project this year. It started with Andy wanting to earn a little spending money. Then Braden joined in wanting to earn money so he could buy a new football. Then finally I decided to come on board.

There are many black walnut trees in and around our town. Every autumn the black walnuts fall to the ground often becoming every squirrel's dream come true. Unfortunately, the squirrels are often left watching humans pick up all the black walnuts, load them in vehicles, and drive away with one of their winter food sources.

Andy watched a news broadcast and saw that there are several black walnut hulling stations nearby. He started going around the neighborhood collecting black walnuts from the yards of those that gave him permission to pick them up. We allowed Braden to go to a yard a few houses down to pick up the black walnuts there and put them in his own black walnut bucket.

Andy and Braden collected about four huge trash bags full of black walnuts.  This expanded the search for black walnuts down nearby country roads. Suddenly we had about 8 huge trash bags full. I helped collect an additional 2 huge trash bags full for a grand total of 10 huge trash bags full of black walnuts.

We loaded up our old van and took them to the nearby hulling station. After the black walnuts were taken out of the core, we had over 250 pounds of black walnuts. Our "black gold" was worth $36.00.

Now I know $36.00 does not seem like a lot for 10 huge trash bags full. One must remember that the core is taken off and only the black walnuts are weighed. The going rate right now is $13.00 per 100 pounds.

More importantly our family had fun being together in the nice autumn weather. We talked, laughed, and became expert black walnut tree spotters. Even Braden can spot a black walnut tree now.

Black walnuts...$36.00.
The memories of collecting those black walnuts and our family time together...priceless.

Friday, October 10, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

So I check out my friend Alvina's blog several weeks ago to find I've been tagged.

The rules; Link to the person who tagged you, mention the rules, tell six quirky, yet boring and unspectacular things about yourself, tag six or more others.

So here we go.........

Six Random Things About Me

1. I love to watch "Gene Simmons' Family Jewels".

2. If I could do anything else, I would be a wedding planner. Meteorologist is also a possibility. (I love fascinates me!)

3. I have never been to a concert or a professional football game. I've only been to a professional baseball game twice in my life. (St. Louis Cardinals....both games before the age of 10)

4. I turned down a music (band) scholarship to Central Methodist College.

5. My big retirement dream is to volunteer with the American Red Cross in their Disaster Relief division.

6. I hate roses!!!! I guess because I've never been given roses before.

I tag Sheila, Amy, Lindsey, Casey, Valerie, Heather, Tria, Michella, Mitzi, and Julie.

You can post your answers on your blog if you have one or just put your answers in my blog by commenting them below.

P.S. Alvina, thanks for tagging me....NOT!!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Pumpkin Daze

Our town had its annual Pumpkin Daze Festival. The old time Main Street is closed down and display booths are set up to sell crafts and food. Pumpkins, sunflowers, watermelons, and other vegetables are brought from around the country to win the largest or heaviest title. The winning pumpkin weighed over 1400 pounds!!!!! (Yes, that is 1400 pounds that I put!!!)

Andy and Braden enjoyed all the freebie department, police department, local town church booths. It is really hard to walk down the street with the smell of bratwurst, kettle corn, pig-on-a stick, and all the other wonderful aromas!!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Autumn Harvest Carnival

Andy, Braden, Scotlyn, and I attended the local school district's annual Autumn Harvest Carnival. The boys were able to shoot basketballs, play bingo, go to the duck pond, bowl, participate in a sack race and candy bar walk, and have their picture taken with some high school cheerleaders. The boys were also able to get our first pumpkins at the carnival.

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