

Welcome to our family blog! We're a very busy family trying to enjoy every wonderful second that God gives us. We're using this blog to keep friends and family updated on what's happening in the days of our life and share recent photos.

We hope you enjoy a sneak peak into the crazy and busy days of our life. Be sure to check back periodically for updated posts and pictures.

Sunny skies!!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Our "Black Gold"

Our family decided to try a new project this year. It started with Andy wanting to earn a little spending money. Then Braden joined in wanting to earn money so he could buy a new football. Then finally I decided to come on board.

There are many black walnut trees in and around our town. Every autumn the black walnuts fall to the ground often becoming every squirrel's dream come true. Unfortunately, the squirrels are often left watching humans pick up all the black walnuts, load them in vehicles, and drive away with one of their winter food sources.

Andy watched a news broadcast and saw that there are several black walnut hulling stations nearby. He started going around the neighborhood collecting black walnuts from the yards of those that gave him permission to pick them up. We allowed Braden to go to a yard a few houses down to pick up the black walnuts there and put them in his own black walnut bucket.

Andy and Braden collected about four huge trash bags full of black walnuts.  This expanded the search for black walnuts down nearby country roads. Suddenly we had about 8 huge trash bags full. I helped collect an additional 2 huge trash bags full for a grand total of 10 huge trash bags full of black walnuts.

We loaded up our old van and took them to the nearby hulling station. After the black walnuts were taken out of the core, we had over 250 pounds of black walnuts. Our "black gold" was worth $36.00.

Now I know $36.00 does not seem like a lot for 10 huge trash bags full. One must remember that the core is taken off and only the black walnuts are weighed. The going rate right now is $13.00 per 100 pounds.

More importantly our family had fun being together in the nice autumn weather. We talked, laughed, and became expert black walnut tree spotters. Even Braden can spot a black walnut tree now.

Black walnuts...$36.00.
The memories of collecting those black walnuts and our family time together...priceless.

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